Author: Oliver Jacob
Lent 2020
Link to download Lent Bible reading planDownload
Link to download Calendar for LentDownload
The Lent Season:The word "Lent" comes from the Middle English "lente" (springtime) and the old Anglo-Saxon word "lengten" (the time when days grow longer). It is the holy springtime for our souls, a time for preparation, planting and growth.
Throughout history, the season of Le...
Epiphany Day
Epiphany Day
The season of joyful Christmas celebrations in the church concluded with the service of Lessons and Carols, a long tradition at St. James’ Kashmere Gate. On 5th January the church members had the privilege of being joined by the two choirs: the melodious voices of St. Stephen’s Hospital choir, who mesmerized us by their soulful renditions of various traditional...
Christmas Services
Christmas Services
Midnight Service
The midnight service was conducted in the Church on the intervening night of 24-25 December. The church was beautifully decorated leaving everyone enthralled as everyone was praising the way magnificence of the architecture came alive with splendid illumination. The service was well organized and the solemnity of it was deeply moving....
Nativity Play
The St. James' church witnessed a wonderful performance showcased by the young children depicting the Nativity scene. The play saw the participation of boys and girls in good strength and they won the hearts of the congregation. The children were excited throughout and they essayed their roles very well. After the play, they were presented with gifts by Santa and were very ha...
Family Carols Evening
St. James' Chuch Pastorate Youth Fellowship was delighted to organise the Family Carols Evening on the 21st of December 2019. The members of St.James' Church were invited to spend a warm evening celebrating the spirit of Christmas by singing carols and lighting the candles. The youth fellowship was blessed and overjoyed to spend the evening with the members of St.James' and sh...
Christmas Joy Sharing with Girl Children from Broken Families

St. James’ church was delighted to host the girls of Kilkari home on December 21st. The residents of the Kilkari rainbow home are young girls who were full of life and laughter. It gave us immense joy to have them amongst us once again during this Christmas season where we were thrilled to spend an afternoon with them. The itinerary to keep these girls engaged was prepared to k...